The Death Of Little Kathy Fiscus.....
On April 7, 1949, in San Marino, California, three year old Kathy Fiscus was playing with some friends in an open field, when she fell into an open well shaft. For days rescue workers worked day and night to save the little girl. But when they got to her, she had died. Louisville Kentucky radio personality and recording artist Jimmie Osborne wrote and recorded a song about this tragedy. It was called "The Death Of Lttle Kathy Fiscus. The song was a top ten hit for Osborne. Legend has it that he gave most of the profits from the song to the Fiscus family.
Jimmie Osborne

Click HERE to listen to The Death Of Little Kathy Fiscus by Jimmie Osborne
Jimmie Osborne was a very popular recording artist, entertainer and radio personalty in the Louisville area in the forties and fifties. Jimmie took his own life on Dec 26, 1957. He was 34 years old.
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Thanks a million, and come back any ole time, as the latchstring's always out!
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Hi Gary
My name is Kathy Lynn. I was born in April of 1953 and was named for the little girl who fell down the well. When I was a small child, my Mom had the old 78 record of the song about her. Have been searching for it for years know the artist. How thrilled I was today to find it on your site. What memories!! Thank you for making my day!
Kathy Lynn
GaryKathy Lynn
I was born in 1945 and as a small child I use to play this record at my Aunt's house. Unfortunately she got rid of her old 78's before I knew about it and I have been searching for this record. Like Kathy Lynn I was thrilled when I found not just the artist but was able to hear the actual song for the 1st time in about 55 yrs. Thank you so much!
My Grandmother told me about her and the song. I looked for the song and found your site. I did much research as it makes me feel closer to my Grama. I did not find many photos. But I did discover that I live walking distance from her grave site ( Glen Abby here in Bonita. If you would like I can take a picture and e-mail it to you for your site, since I plan to place flowers on her grave marker on her birthday and aniversary as a favor to my Grama... Thanks for your site it helped me with old memories.... I am only 43 but felt like I was there with my grama waiting for her to be rescued...
Carina, Bonita, CA
#Kathy Fiscus # Jimmie Osborne #Louisville KY
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